Driving Directions

Directions To Gilfach Wen

Some guests who rely on Sat Nav systems can encounter a number of problems if they follow it blindly.


– Find that they are directed along single track country lanes only suitable for 4×4’s by Sat Nav systems set up to follow the shortest route.

– Some guests who rely on using sat nav systems on their phones run into problems because they don’t realise they will be travelling through areas with no mobile signal.

The following directions are the simplest route to Gilfach Wen from any of the major road links.

I you wish to check on a map use this link in your web browser

If you prefer to use the what3words app the code for the drive entrance is — bystander.grading.herb

I would recommend the following routes for travelling to Gilfach Wen.

By Road – From the M4,

Continue from the M4 onto the A48 to the junction with the B4310 (signposted to Nantgaredig and the National Botanical Gardens). At Nantgaredig go straight across at the staggered X roads with the A40. Continue on the B4310 towards Brechfa passing through Horeb.

If you are travelling from the Midlands, I strongly recommend using the M5, M50, Heads of the Valley dual carriageway to Neath, and join the M4 as the quickest route. Its far quicker than the A40.

By Road – From the A40 from either Brecon or Carmarthen

At Nantgaredig take the B4310 towards Brechfa passing through Horeb.


After passing through Horeb (a small group of cottages, farms, chapel and bus shelter grouped around a crossroad) you will start to go downhill. The entrance to Gilfach Wen on the right approximately 3/4 of a mile from Horeb. The drive is wide with post and rail fencing on one side and a slate bank on the other. It is just after a pair of bends. The farm name is at the drive entrance. There is not a large sign advertising the property as my work around the farm means that it is not practical to encourage passing tourists to call in to see if there is any space available. – If the name at the bottom of any drive is anything other than Gilfach Wen that is the wrong drive. Please do not disturb other people by driving up to other properties.

The farm house and barn is at the end of the drive, just 2 fields back from the road with a cattle grid after the first field.

If you reach a point in the road where there is a 90 degree bend to the right, followed by a narrow country lane off the left you have gone too far. This right angle bend is clearly shown on any road map.

If you are coming from any other direction and reach Brechfa first:-

From Brechfa, take the B4310 towards Nantgaredig. As you leave the village. The old village school will be on your left. About half a mile out of the village the main road goes round a 90 degree bend to the left. The entrance is a short distance further on from the bend immediately after the first slow sign painted on the road. If you reach the next set of bends around a cottage on your right which is next to, but below road height you have gone too far. The farm house and barn is at the end of the drive, just 2 fields back from the road.

If you need directions from any other start point please ask for help.

If you get lost please phone me for assistance rather than disturbing my neighbours, especially if you are travelling late in the evening or early morning.